陳玟樺 Wen-Hua Chen

姓名:陳玟樺 Wen-Hua Chen
職稱:副教授 Associate Professor
研究專長:雙語數學 Bilingual Mathematics, 芬蘭的課程與教學 (現象為本學習) Finland Education (Phenomenon-based Learning), 多元文化數學教育 Multicultural Mathematics Education, 數學教育社會學 Sociology of Mathematics Education
授課領域:Teaching Materials and Methods of Bilingual Mathematics Field in Elementary School Level. Multicultural Mathematics Education. Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design for Mathematics.
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Education, National Taipei University of Education
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Education, National Taipei University of Education
Adjunct Assistant Professor, College of Teacher Education, National Taiwan Normal University
Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, National Taiwan Normal University (2014 - 2019)
Journal Papers
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2023). Hidden curriculum for Finnish national landscape rural imagery: an example of the primary school mathematics textbook. Taiwan Journal of Sociology of Education, 23(1), 83-142. (TSSCI)
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2023). An English teacher integrates multicultural issues into teaching and learning for an International Baccalaureate Middle Year Program in Finland. Educational Review, 6(60),1-49. (TSSCI)
Hung, Y.-T., & Chen, W.-H. (2023). Review of “CLIL essentials for secondary school teachers.” Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 30(1), 109-116. (TSSCI、Scopus)
Chen, W.-H. (2023). An Overview of the Evolution of Multilingual Environment and Language Teaching and Learning in Finnish Society: from the 1910s to the Implementation of National Core Curriculum 2016. Journal of Education Research.
Chen, W.-H. (2022). A Content Analysis of International Education in the Finnish Elementary School Mathematic Textbook: Taking the Unit of "Optional Themes" in Fifth Grade as an Example. Journal of Textbook Research. Journal of Textbook Research, 15(1), 1-41. (TSSCI)
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2022). The Phenomenon-based Learning in a Middle School in Finland. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 30(1), 39-84. (TSSCI、Scopus)
Chen, W.-H. (2022). Review of Bilingual Education Policies in Finnish 2016 New Core Curriculum. Journal of Taiwan Education Studies, 3(1), 293-312.
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2021). A Finnish School’s phenomenon-based learning curriculum integration design and students’ learning performance. Bulletin of Educational Research, 67(1), 107-157. (TSSCI、Scopus)
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2020). Practicing an Inquiry-Based History Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of an IBMYP Classroom in Finland. Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly, 23(4), 59-88. (TSSCI)
Chen, W.-H. (2020). Mathematical Inquiry Teaching Model Design for a Primary School Teacher in Finland: Using "Thumbnail Figure and Scale" As an Example. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 15(2), 71-99.
Chen, W.-H. (2019). A Study on Teacher-Directed Instruction, Formative Assessment, and Teacher Support in Mathematics. Secondary Education, 70(2), 49-65.
Chen, W.-H. (2019). Before Entering the Finnish Phenomenon-based Learning: Understanding of the Transversal Competences and Multidisciplinary Learning Modules. Journal of Education Research, 303, 101-114.
Chen, W.-H., & Liu, M.-H. (2018). Important Issues on Taiwan Students' Participation in Curriculum Deliberation Council: Reflection from UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 26(4), 1-45. (TSSCI、Scopus)
Chen, W.-H. (2018). Design of a Professional Growth Model for Promoting Mathematics Teachers' Knowledge and Understanding of 'Summary Learning Strategies' in Lesson Plans. Pulse of Education, 13.
Chen, W.-H. (2017). Co-construction of Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching: The Case Study of a Junior High School Class in Taiwan. Bulletin of Educational Research, 63(2), 89-100. (TSSCI、Scopus、Bulletin of Educational Research 2018 Best Paper Award)
Chen, W.-H. (2017). An Inquiry into Our Mathematics Curriculum Reform: From 1961 to 2000. Newsletter of the High School Mathematics Subject Center of the Ministry of Education, 119, 1-21.
Chapters in Scholarly Books
Chen, W.-H. (in press). Principles for Designing a Phenomenon-Based Learning Environment from a Learning Science Perspective. In Huang, Y.-H. (Eds.), Competency-Based Instruction: Approaches to Phenomenon-Based and Inquiry-Based Learning.
Chen, W.-H. (2022). International and Experiential Learning Policy Analysis of the Youth Development Administration of the Ministry of Education. (我國青年國際及體驗學習之相關政策分析). In Hwang, J.-J., & Wu, L.-J. (Eds.), International Education for University: Trends, Issues, and Prospects (大學國際教育:趨勢、問題與展望) (pp.57-99). Taipei City: WU-NAN CULTURE ENTERPRISE.
Chen, W.-H. (2018). Professional Development for Mathematics Teachers (數學教師專業發展). In Chang, C.-H. (Eds.), History Series of Mathematics Curriculum Development for Taiwan's Elementary and Middle Schools (臺灣中小學課程發展史系列叢書—數學科) (pp. 475-516). New Taipei City: National Academy for Educational Research.
Chen, W.-H. (2018). The Development of Middle School Mathematics in Curriculum Standard Period (國民中學數學課程標準時期的發展). In Chang, C.-H. (Eds.), History Series of Mathematics Curriculum Development for Taiwan's Elementary and Middle Schools (臺灣中小學課程發展史系列叢書—數學科) (pp. 135-205). New Taipei City: National Academy for Educational Research.
Chen, W.-H. (2014). A Lesson Plan Example of Statistics and Probability. In Ko, H.-W. (Eds.), An Example of the Integration of Reading Strategies into the Teaching of Mathematics in Middle Schools (閱讀策略融入國民中學數學領域教學實例)(pp. 71-80). New Taipei City: National Academy for Educational Research.
Chen, W.-H. (2013). Pedagogy of Mathematics Reading Comprehension (數學閱讀理解的教學). In Ko, H.-W. (Eds.), A Handbook for Interdisciplinary Teaching Reading Strategies (跨領域閱讀策略教學研習手冊) (pp. 28-46). New Taipei City: National Academy for Educational Research.
Conference Papers
Chen, W.-H. (2022). Phenomenon-based learning in Finland: A learning science perspective. Paper will be presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA.
Chen, W.-H. (2021). A Case Study of Culturally Responsive Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Paper presented at the Virtual American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, USA.
Chen, W.-H. (2020). A Case Study on the Phenomenon-based Learning of a Comprehensive School in Finland Helsinki. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA.
Chen, W.-H. (2018, Aug). Culturally responsive mathematics teaching and learning: A case study of a junior high school class in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of the 24th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF MATHEMATICAL VIEWS, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
Chen, W.-H. (2018, Aug). Toward a Critical Mathematics Teaching and Learning for Networked Social Responsibilities: A Case Study of a Junior High School Mathematics Class in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of Safety and Security in Education, University of Turku, Rauma, Finland.
邵士原、陳玟樺(2017)。英數教育工作者對議題融入教學之共同反思實踐:以「多元文化」融入數學教學為例。2017第八屆教育創新國際學術研 討會,國立清華大學竹師教育學院。
Chen, W.-H. (2016, Dec). An Inquiry on Taiwan Mathematics Teachers’ Supportive Behaviour: Evidence from PISA 2012. 論文發表於國立臺中教育大學主辦之「2016年會暨心理與教育測驗」學術研討會,台中市。
Chen, W.-H. (2016, Dec). A Study of Mathematics Communication Using Roman Jakobson's Communicative Model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Trends in Language Teaching Conference, Okinawa, Japan.
陳玟樺(2016)。Paulo Freire’s Critical Literacy and Its Implications for Mathematics Education.論文發表於國立中正大學主辦之「第22屆臺灣教育社會學論壇」,嘉義縣。
Chen, W.-H. (2016, Jan). Reading the World with Mathematics: A Critical Mathematics Literacy Curriculum in Taiwan. Paper presented at the meeting of the 3rd International conference on education and social sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.(科技部補助博士生赴國外參與國際研討會 編號 MOST-105-2922-I-003-006)
Chen, W.-H. (2016, Jan). Co-construction of Mathematics Curriculum: Connect a Critical Literacy Perspective. Paper presented at the meeting of the 3rd International conference on education and social sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. (科技部補助博士生赴國外參與國際研討會 編號 MOST-105-2922-I-003-006)
Chen, W.-H. (2015, Dec). A 3-year Study Co-construction of Curriculum at the Classroom Level in Taiwan. 論文發表於中華民國科學教育學會、國立高雄師範大學科學教育暨環境教育研究所、屏東縣政府聯合主辦之「第31屆科學教育」國際研討會,屏東縣。
Chen, W.-H. (2015, Dec). Co-construction of Critical Literacy Curriculum: Case Study of a Junior High School Class in Taiwan. The Second Asian Symposium on Education, Equity and Social Justice, Hiroshima, Japan.(科技部補助博士生赴國外參與國際研討會 編號MOST-104-2922-I-003-101)
Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Taiwan
Exploring the Reform Process of Bilingual Curriculum from the Perspective of Sociology of Curriculum (principal investigator)
The Compilation of Academic Books on Finnish Phenomenon-based Learning (principal investigator)
Co-construction of CLIL Interdisciplinary Mathematics Curriculum Based on Phenomenon-based Learning (principal investigator)
Graduate Student Study Abroad Program (GSSAP): Visiting Academic, University of Helsinki, Finland. 2018 Fed.-2019 Fed. (principal investigator)
Humanities and Social Science doctoral dissertation award (principal investigator)
Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences: The 3rd International Symposium on Education and Social Sciences in Istanbul, Turkey. (principal investigator)
Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences: The 2nd Asian Symposium on Educational Equity and Social Justice in Hiroshima, Japan. (principal investigator)
Awards & Grants
2023 Award for Teaching Works and Teaching Materials of Teachers
2023 Reward of Teacher's English Teaching
2022 Award for Teaching Works and Teaching Materials of Teachers
2022 Reward of Teacher's English Teaching
2021 Taiwan Association for Sociology of Education Doctoral Dissertation Honorable Mention Award(臺灣教育社會學學會108學年度優秀博碩士論文佳作獎)
2019 Professor Fu-ming Chia Education Foundation Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award(108年度 賈馥茗教授教育基金會博士學位論文優良獎)
2019 Professor Pei-Lin Tien Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award(108年度 田培林教授優良博士學位論文獎)
2018 Bulletin of Educational Research 2018 Best Paper Award (TSSCI)
2018 Visiting Academic, University of Helsinki, Finland. (MOST)
2016 Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences, Istanbul, Turkey. (MOST)
2015 Subsidy for Domestic Graduate Students to Attend International Academic Conferences, Hiroshima, Japan. (MOST)
2014 New Taipei City Annual Mathematics Lesson Plan Competition Sessions High Distinction Award
Academic Services
Bulletin of Educational Research (TSSCI) (reviewer)
Journal of Textbook Research (TSSCI) (reviewer)
Educational Review (TSSCI) (reviewer)
Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly (TSSCI) (reviewer)
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (reviewer)
芬蘭教育專書"Mattila,P., & Silander, P. (Eds.). (2015). How to create the school of the future Revolutionary thinking and design from Finland. Oulu Multprint, Oulu."之中譯發起人。p.s. 特別感謝參與中譯的12位專家學者暨教育實務工作者,同時感謝原著作者Pasi Silander在此書中譯期間給予的一切信任支持【提供中文版免費下載如下】。