Chih-Hsiao Tsai

Basic Information
Name :Chih-Hsiao Tsai
Position: Associate Professor
Research Fields :Machine Learning(Deep Learning), Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
Courses: Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms
Tel :+886-2-27321104#55825
Ph.D., Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tamkang University (2001 - 2006)
Self Introduction
Licenses & certifications:
IBM Data Science Foundations - Level 1, Level2(IBM)
Google Analytics Individual Qualification - 16328106(Google)
Unity Certified Developer - Unity Technologies - 201701UCD1440(Unity Technologies)
Foundation Certificate in EPC Architecture Framework - 14053001042(GS1EPCglobal)
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 Certified Professional - 00328224(Autodesk)
Journal Papers:
Tsai, C. H., Kuo, Y. H., Chu, K. C. & Yen, J. C. (2015). Development and Evaluation of Game-based Learning System Using the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2015(6), 1-10. (SCI)
Tsai, C. H., & Yen, J. C. (2014). The Augmented Reality Application of Multimedia Technology in Aquatic Organisms Instruction. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2014(7), 745-755.
Yen, J. C., Tsai, C. H., & Wu, M. (2013). Augmented reality in the higher education: Students' science concept learning and academic achievement in astronomy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103(2013), 165-173.
Tsai, C. H., & Yen, J. C. (2013). The development and evaluation of a Kinect sensor assisted learning system on the spatial visualization skills. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103(2013), 991-998.
Yen, J. C., Tsai, C. H., & Chen, I. J. (2010). Exploring the Effects of Game-based Instructional Design on 3D Animation: A Perspective of Technology Acceptance. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, 7(7), 955-964. (EI)
Conference Papers:
Tsai, C. H., Wang, Y., Hu, H. H., & Huang, G. H. (2019). Open-Source Interactive and Narrative Visualization Tool for Activity-based Travel Demand Model: Application in SCAG ABM Development. 2019 Transportation Planning Applications Conference, Portland, USA.
Tsai, C. H., & Yen, J. C. (2016). Effect of an Equivalent Fractions Digital Game on the Learning Outcome, Motivation, and Flow Types Among Elementary School Students. 2016 International Conference on Educational Innovation through Technology, 70-75. (IEEE, C:5)
Tsai, C. H., Yen, J. C. (2014). Teaching Spatial Visualization Skills Using OpenNI and the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. Future Information Technology (FutureTech 2014), pp 617-624. Zhangjiajie, China, May 29-31, 2014.
Tsai, C. H., Yen, J. C., Yang, J. J., & Wang, J. Y. (2012, May). A Study of Individual Difference on Learners' Acceptance toward Game-based Instructional Design of 3D Animation. Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2012), pp.377-380. Pingtung, Taiwan, May 28- June 1st.
Tsai, C. H., Yang, J. J. (2011, May). The Effectiveness of Scaffolding Cooperative Learning with Mechanisms of Peer Assessment. Proceedings of the 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2011), pp.1507-1511. Zhejiang University, China, May 29-31, 2011.
Tsai, C. H., Yen, J. C. & Chen, I. J. (2010). Enhancing Learners'Performances on 3D Animation through Game-based e-Learning. Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACACOS'10), pp.111-116. HangZhou, China, April 11-13, 2010.(ISSN:1790-5117; ISBN:978-960-474-075-8)